Bad Breath (Halitosis)

  • 2023-10-06

What is Bad Breath (Halitosis)?

Halitosis, derived from the Latin words halitus and osis, is a term used to describe bad breath that occurs in the mouth, which is unpleasant for both the individual and those around them. It is observed in 50% of the population. It is caused by volatile gases (sulfur compounds) in the breath and bacteria in the mouth.

What Causes Bad Breath (Halitosis)?

  • Odors originating from within the mouth:

These odors result from dry mouth, prolonged fasting, inflammation, bacteria accumulating on the tongue, and oral diseases. Odors arise from deposits on the surfaces between the teeth, poorly designed prostheses, gum problems, and inadequate oral hygiene.

  • Odors originating from the breath and respiratory tract:

These account for approximately 10% of all mouth odors. They can be indicators of diseases such as diabetes and chronic respiratory tract infections.

  • Odors originating from the digestive system:

These odors, which are encountered very rarely, mostly arise from gas problems in the stomach.

  • Psychosomatic mouth odors:

In patients who complain of bad breath but do not actually have it, there is no actual bad breath. In cases where patients with bad breath complaints come in, the dentist and psychiatrist should work together.

How is Bad Breath (Halitosis) Treated?

For treatment, it is first necessary to determine the source of the odor. After a correct diagnosis, the elimination of this problem is the first priority. If the odor originates from within the mouth, dental treatments should be completed, and the patient should be provided with oral hygiene education. If the patient follows the doctor's treatments and maintains oral hygiene at home, the problem of bad breath will be eliminated. In our dental clinic, all oral hygiene procedures are performed under the name "Oral Spa."

What Should be Considered for Oral Care?

In addition to a toothbrush, dental floss should be used. Special dental floss designed for the areas under fixed prostheses is also recommended for patients. In addition to these, tongue scrapers and antibacterial mouthwashes may be recommended based on the results of the examination by the dentist.


Regular check-ups with a dentist every 6 months are a must. (Examination of gum diseases, cavities, and poorly hygienic bridge prostheses should be done.)

Chewing sugar-free gum can be beneficial.

A large amount of water should be consumed.

If there is nasal congestion and breathing through the mouth while sleeping, dry mouth may occur. Consultation with an ear, nose, and throat specialist is a must.

Reducing the consumption of simple sugars is recommended.

Smoking should be stopped.

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